Road ahead
Fine. I’m still alive and you know what does it mean. Yeah, today we won’t be at my campfire. We will just chill on the sea side.
Oh, I see you misunderstood me? Come on, close your eyes and imagine that you near the sea. Which sea? Don’t care about it, just imagine.
Well…We can continue. I want to ask you, may I? I hope so.
What’s your point in this year? I mean we should go over and over by our life’s road and…we need the little goals, shouldn’t we?
As you know I’m just a student and in last year I had my first semester. It was…different? New information, new people, a new city…New chapter of my life eventually. Yeah…there were many problems. But anyway I’m here and it means everything is better then it could be.
And I thought…What should I do to be better? What’s my point?
I need to work harder on myself. Create a new schedule and try to follow it.
Also, I need to expand the area of my interests.
I don’t have a clear plan of action, because my plans are often break. And this is why I asked you before. Maybe I can find some clues in your answer? Who knows…Well, I ask you again. What’s your point? What do you wish?